About Us
The world population is growing expansively. Growth that is using up the earth’s natural resources. Energy sources are drying up, water is becoming a scarce resource. At the same time the demand for food safety, CO2 emission reductions, and locally-produced products is increasing. At SADID ROUYESH VISTA AGRO-INDUSTRIAL GROUP ( SRV GROUP ) we play a huge role in this.As an entrepreneur you would like to respond to these developments while ensuring higher returns; something that appears to be a contradiction. At SRV GROUP we think otherwise. It is our mission to enable entrepreneurs throughout the world to produce for their own market. With (semi-closed) greenhouses. And with energy and water savings, reduced CO2 emissions, food safety and achieving higher yields of better quality. The future of greenhouses is blue. SRV GROUP, with over two decades of experience in designing, consulting, and implementing modern agricultural structures with having a professional expert team and four departments of
– Project initial and Complementary Design.
– Construction and production of Agricultural and Animal husbandry structures.
– Production and supply of modern equipment, greenhouse etc.
– Support Services, Crop Consulting, and Supply Income Production.
is able to produce several hectares of agricultural and greenhouse structures annually in its factory in the heart of Iran’s industrial zone, Isfahan City, and can annually implement more than 100 hectares of Turnkey Greenhouse projects throughout The world.The greenhouse structure of this company is designed and delivered base on the latest standards of the world with the Exclusive brand “Vista Greenhouse”. We believe that the best products will come through the best greenhouses.