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The BeTrack Electric tow tractor can be used with manual control or unmanned to run the harvesting trolley from the greenhouse to the processing area and back. The BeTrack Electric tow tractor is characterised by its versatility and user-friendliness.
With its low step and simple controls, the BeTrack Electric tow tractor is convenient for manual use. Moreover, the BeTrack Electric tow tractor is environmentally friendly, noiseless and extremely manoeuvrable.
The BeTrack can be manually or automatically controlled. By means of induction technology, the BeTrack Electric tow tractor runs autonomously through an unloading unit, so that the harvesting trolleys can be individually unloaded at the right positions.
Built-in sensors prevent collisions or dangerous situations.
Induction control
Berg Hortimotive has its own in-house induction specialists who can design and lay any induction route between the greenhouse and the shed. One or more tractors can also be controlled using a central control with visualization software, so that you always know where your tractors are.
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